Thursday, January 11, 2007

7th Post

Today I was walking back from a department colloquium, about five or so feet behind one of my favorite professors, the one that has an accent that reminds me of a Beatle, and suddenly he decided that he was going to slide on the snow. Not on the ground or anything, but walking just fast enough that he could slide about 2 to 4 feet each time. Now I never lived in the snow before BYU, but I have seen students my age do this, and have tried it myself sometimes, but I have not ever seen a professor act like this, especially considering the professor that I was observing was probably in his mid- to late fifties, since he says that his first paper was published in '79. It just was a funny sight to me, this group of three professors walking together and one of them periodically snow surfing alongside.

1 comment:

Rachel Helps said...

hahaha... I would totally crack up if I saw one of my professors sliding on snow. I'd probably be like... "hey, aren't you a little old for that?"