Tuesday, October 10, 2006

3rd post

I am still going on dates with the previously mentioned girl, with one stipulation, we are seeing other people, she doesn't want to date exclusively and she doesn't want me to either. Which is okay with me, I would go out with only her if she asked for that, I would do many things if she asked me to do them, she asked me to go out with other girls, so I can do that. It is an interesting feeling, I think I like this arrangement better, it makes it so that when she asks me out I know that it is because she wants to go out with me this time, and not that she wants to go out and is stuck with going with me because we are a couple. The same reciprocally. The other benefit to this arrangement is, if I meet an interesting girl, I don't have to feel bad about getting to know her, maybe asking her to see a movie or something. And I wouldn't have to take a risk with this hypothetical girl, giving up going out with Rachel just to find that the new girl isn't as fun to be with. Rachel was smart to suggest this, I am so lucky to have met her and I hope that we will stay in contact for a long time.

1 comment:

Rachel Helps said...

ahh... don't use my initial, you'll give away my clandestine identity! Use L. or make up a nickname for me. You know this is a funny way of letting me know how you feel about things, writing in your blog.